Félag Demantsleiðar Búddismans

kt. 501019-1000

0133 2620 0857

Suðurlandsbraut 16, 108 Reykjavík

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Buddhist Center Reykjavík

Diamond Way Buddhist Center Reykjavík

Suðurlandsbraut 16
108 Reykjavík


Before you come for the first time, please contact us :
Milan: +354 868 52 74

In case you live in Iceland and would like to support us, you can do it by changing your religious affiliation.
All of the necessary information can be found on following website :



Just follow the instructions, select the religious affiliation and choose
Demantsleið Búddismans from the list. Thank you for your support.




You can check the routes from anywhere in Reykjavik here at : Straeto.is – journey planner.